The process of creating our characters began in the form of hot seating, as we have a vague idea of characters and names but no solid identities.
Joe (Director) gave each of us a name and a vague character description. We then proceeded to hot seat each other as those characters to gain inspiration and think about subsequent casting. I was hot seated as the character of Charlie who is aged 14 -15 and currently at school. She looks up to Rosie who is an online vlogger to help her through her problems. From the hot seating we discovered the following:
- She is insecure,
- Has a large group of friends but isn’t particularly close to any of them.
- Looks to Rosie for inspiration
- Feels like she isn’t as glamorous as her friends but wants to be
- Wants a boyfriend because all of her friends have one
- Loves her mum but can’t tell her everything
After the hot seating we discussed that the writing section could revolve around Charlie and Rosie as well as the fake ideals of online vloggers. In particular Charlie looks up to Rosie and her ‘perfect’ life, whereas in reality Rosie’s life is no better than Charlie’s as she herself makes the videos as a way of escaping her own loneliness.
(Anthony, R, 2017)
Anthony, R. (2017) Hotseating [online video] Available from [accessed 16th march 2017].