Let’s talk about the Heirarchy …


The Discussions around the hierarchy within the theatre company started pretty early on, even though we fully plan of working as a collaborative ensemble it’s important for the whole group to understand who has the final say in the circumstance of a disagreement.

So here is a quick rundown of who is in charge of what…

(Rickards, 2017).

Meet Joe, he’s the director here at Fragment theatre company

Joes job as director is too… well Direct. However, Joe is also in charge of

any thing ‘visual’ when it comes to the show. So basically if a member of the group

has an idea.. one which the audience will see, it goes through Joe first. An example being if

our choreography Roxy has some moves she wants the world to see, she will

have to ask Joe first!


(Rickards, 2017).

Meet, well Me (My names Hannah, in case you have forgotten). And I am the producer

of Fragment theatre company. My job is to make sure everything behind the scenes is getting done on time!

for example, posters, set designs and props lists. I also am in charge of all the money! so I get to decide what gets

bought for the show, examples being costumes, set, and Marketing tools. Members of the group will come to me

with any issues they have regarding behind the scenes stuff! For example I know that our set designer Chloe has some pretty

wacky ideas, so I will have to make sure that we have enough money is the budget to cover the costs.

Myself and Joe will be working together to think about things like who gets cast as what part and the kind of staging/

seating we would like in the auditorium.


(Rickards, 2017)

Next up is Lucy, our Stage Manager! Lucy Works very closely along side myself and Joe.

Lucy’s job is to make sure everything is running smoothly, From the rehearsals/productions meetings

to the actual show itself! But are Lucy is super organised so we know she can do it!


Ok, so, The Hierarchy continues but the three main people who make the decisions are myself, Lucy and Joe!  We are a group of ten people, which means ten different opinions!

but if any member of the group has a question rather me, Lucy or Joe will be able to answer it.  See Below a Diagram of the Hierarchy that our wonderful stage manager Lucy made!

(Workman, 2017)



Rickards, M. (2017) Fragment Theatre Company. Lincoln: MR Photography.

Workman, L. (2017) Fragment Theatre Company. Lincoln.




The Theme of our show…

It’s been a hectic couple of weeks, and a while since I made a blog post. So I thought I would catch you all up on what’s been going on here at Fragment Theatre Company! and by the title of this blog post you are probably wanting to know the

big question… what on earth is our show about. Well, I shall tell you… soon enough. And here’s a photo to keep you thinking before I get to it!


Image result for escapism

(Allan, 2015).

Over the past couple of weeks rehearsals have began! and they are already turning out to be a lot of fun! We have had many production meetings as a group to discuss what it is we want to create and have put together a manifesto for our theatre company, talking about the types of performance/performances it is we wish to produce.  If you would like to take a look at it will be under the ‘Marketing materials’ section within the Blog, take a look!

I’ll explain it quickly here… We are a company that want’s to bring people together through the means of theatre, no matter on the age/ background are audience come from we wish for our theatre to speak to all. Which is when we created our Company slogan ” we speak to someone, anyone, everyone” This is something myself and the rest of my Company feel passionately about.

It also correlates with the guidelines on the Arts council Funding website and what is takes for us as a company to be able to get funding from Arts Council England. “Make sure you explain exactly how and why your work benefits the community. Where appropriate, use specific examples, statistics and quotes from people involved. If you can, use multimedia content like photos or videos” (Artscouncil.org.uk, 2017). We Hope that our performance will benefit any audience member that chooses to watch the show.

Anyway, ill get back on track, the theme of our show is… ESCAPSISM. You’re probably thinking why? well escapism is something that every individual experiences in one way or another. From going out with friends. feeding your sadness with food, watching a film or even just imagining your in another place, escapism happens to us all.  Our performance is going to tell a story of escapism and the effects of it on four individual people. whether the effects being positive or negative, depending on the story.



Allan, P.  (2015) snap back into reality. London

Artscouncil.org.uk. (2017). Individuals | Arts Council England. [online] Available at: http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/why-culture-matters/making-case/individuals [Accessed 20 Feb. 2017].



Roles within the company

Things are starting to shape together in terms of ideas for the show itself, However we needed to discuss what roles each of us were prepared to take on within the company. Which lead to the group and I discussing our different talents and how they could work within our team!

I have chosen to become to Producer of Fragment Theatre Company, not because it’s a talent of mine but more because it’s something that I may wish to peruse in the future and I am super exited to try it out! The role of the producer, as explained by James Seabright is to “deliver a good show, in time and on budget […] as well as raising the money required to fund the production (Seabright, 2010, 5).

I am certainly looking forward to creating a fun way for us to raise money towards our final production.

The other members of the group were also assigned roles through choice and matching their specific area of knowledge to a production role.


company roles


Above is the list of company roles within Fragment Theatre company, as you can see most of the company members have more than one role, including myself as I will also be performing within the show.



D’Arcy. H. (2017) Company Roles

Seabright, J. (2010) so you want to be a producer?. London: Nick Hern Books limited


In the beginning…

Ten people, 6 girls, 4 boys. All of which, having no actual idea where to even begin when it comes to making a show, but I’m pretty sure we will get through it somehow! First thing is first we needed to discuss what kind of theatre it is we want to make, and then how on earth we are going to do it. After talking as a group it came apparent quite quickly that we had a similar idea, that idea being ‘addressing the little person’s story’. In a time when society is dominated by people like Donald Trump, and the way that others are treated because of him, it made myself and my group think… what happens to them people, the little people, the individual. Ok so our performance will definitely not be on Donald Trump that was just an example. He gets enough attention. Anyway, getting back to the subject… as a large group we decided that to tell one person’s story may be a waste when we have so many actors. This led us into the decision that we would tell a collection of story’s all coming from the individual’s perspective to tell a story of some sort, I’m sure we will figure that part out later.

So now we have a group, we have an idea (ish) and now we need to figure out what we are going to call ourselves. Never in my life did I think it would take so long, given that we wanted to tell stories of ‘the little people’ we wanted our group name to reflect our performance and any future shows we make… after all there’s plenty of people, plenty of stories, plenty of shows dare I say.

We found literally hundreds of names that suited our company however they rather didn’t have a ‘good ring’ to them, or had already been taken by some other theatre company. But don’t worry, we got there in the end!


(D’Arcy, H. 2017)



We are called…

Fragment Theatre Company

“Fragment: small part broken off or separated from something” (Dictionary.com, 2017)

Which is a perfect name for the performance we are aiming to create!



D’Arcy. H. (2017) what can we call ourselves?: Lincoln Performing Arts Centre: studio x

Dictionary.com. (2017). the definition of fragment. [online] Available at: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/fragment [Accessed 24 Jan. 2017].